Monday, March 30, 2009

Return to sender

Driving by again I was surprised to see the Baja Fresh logo covered by a "your name here" banner. Turns out corporate HQ moved to Cypress, CA, far from its Conejo Valley roots, so I guess it makes sense why nobody was too motivated to change the lights.

Wherever they go to work each day, I still have visions of a band of food service professionals scurrying to create new promotions and advertising to sell more burritos! I wonder if they are thinking of using social media to engage Baja Fresh brand loyalists like me?


Sunday, March 8, 2009

BA A F E H - lights out

Driving on the 101 North through Thousand Oaks, California, if you look off to the right side of the freeway just after crossing the 23 interchange, you can catch a glimpse of the Baja Fresh corporate offices, marked with their signature red and green logo.

It always gives me a warm feeling knowing that a small cadre of businessmen and women are inside cooking up new dishes, launching new stores and creating promotions to make a marketing professional like me proud.

For the past year or so, however, driving by at night has been something of a letdown. Instead of a glowing becon of the Baja Fresh brand, 3 of the 9 lights which comprise the company sign adorning the side of its office building are out, making the company name appear to be BA A F E H. That's a full one third of the company's brand missing in action!

I wonder if BF pays extra for the building signage? If so, I would be asking for a credit -- and some light bulbs! C'mon Baja Fresh - turn on the lights!